RAD-140 (Solution)
$1.92 per 20mg
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$2.78 per 20mg
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$2.78 per 20mg

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Developed by Radius Health, RAD-140 is the newest second-gen SARM. Known also as Testalone or Testolone, it has very impressive and powerful muscle-building effects, even greater than those of LGD-4033. Despite it’s highly-anabolic profile, there are almost no reports of significant testosterone suppression or other side effects (this may be due, however, to its recency on the market). Clinical testing shows RAD-140 counteracts prostate enlargement, and also may exhibit neuro-protective and neuro-regenerative properties.
- Typical dose: 15-30 mg/day
- Max: 30 mg/day
- Stacking dose: 5-15 mg/day (depending on stack)
- Half-life: 12-18 hours
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