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Greetings fellow researchers!

Thank you for visiting G2Gsources

This is Alex. I am the founder of the G2Gsources project

A little background… We created this project by accident. A few of my friends and myself are amateur researchers. We have been working out in a gym together for a long time and have tested many different products (from BCAA to trenbolone). I have been using SARMs for a long time. Like many of you, I started to study it.

These are great products that enjoy user trust for a reason. It is a great alternative or supplement to steroids. I have always had trouble buying SARMs. Where to buy? How to test the product? How to get a good deal? Many vendors don’t pay enough attention to laboratory testing. So I’ve studied dozens of forums to check the sources. Once I selected a few sources, I started testing.

Then I found more sources with good reviews and bought the same products, but 3 times cheaper. WTF ?? Why are the prices so wildly different, I asked? But there was no answer.

I started to tally results manually in Excel to compare and find the best prices from my sources. It was extremely exhausting. Then another Black Friday came and almost all suppliers changed their prices … I tried to update my tables again to reflect this. This was extremely curious, because some vendors raised prices by 20-30%, while others reduced them by 10-20%.

I showed the tables to a friend and he said it looked very good. At that moment, we knew where to find the best offer for SARMs and PCT. Awesome =) And we placed a large shared order.

After a while we started building this project …. At the time of this writing, we are processing about 1000 products from 10 trusted vendors. This seems really insignificant, because there are hundreds and thousands of good vendors out there who have many great products for you.

We want to make our project useful for vendors and buyers alike.

G2Gsources strives to offer consumers a fantastic service. You can rest assured that you always have our back as a consumer in the online jungle of retailers and goods. We love what we do and we are incredibly proud to help people make wise decisions and save a lot of money – every day of the year.

We are a team of 3 ambitious guys at G2Gsources working to create the best shopping comparison service for researchers and athletes. G2Gsources is completely independent; we do not belong to or depend on any manufacturer, seller or other organization that may have vested nterest in providing biased information.

G2Gsources‘s mission is to help consumers find better products and better prices.

We think what we do is truly exciting – and we want to continue to help customers make wiser decisions!

Thank you!

What will the funds from your donations be used for

Goals for 2021

  • We will search for and add new vendors. Every time we analyze tons of information on the web about each vendor before adding it. This significantly reduces the risk to the customer of poor service and poor quality products. The goal is to increase the number of vendors to 100 in 2021
  • Distribution of vendors by geotagging. That is, you can quickly find reliable vendors near you or choose from those who provide international shipping to your country.
  • We will create a Buyer Protection Plan. When you register as a member of G2Gsources, you will receive free G2Gsources Buyer Protection. This means that we will cover you up to 1000 USD if your purchase, contrary to expectations, does not arrive or is delivered in a damaged condition and the seller does not solve the problem.
  • Creation of a customer rating to protect vendors from fraud. Yes, unfortunately it does happen often.
  • Content: articles written by experts. Video content. Market research for new sports supplements
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