Ostarine (Solution)
$0.91 per 20mg

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Also known as Ostarine, MK-2866 is a very popular, well-tested SARM, with no side effects observed in most users. It enhances muscle mass and helps burn fat, but Ostarine is most recognized for its unique propensity to increase bone density and aid in injury prevention & recovery. Most users are male, as with other SARM’s, however women choosing to adminsister SARM’S will usually prefer Ostarine for its milder overall profile. While long-term use of Ostarine can suppress testosterone production in men, the compound exhibits very low risk of this or other side effects when taken in typical dosages.
- Typical dose: 15-30 mg/day
- Max: 30 mg/day
- Stacking dose: 10-15 mg/day (depending on stack)
- Half-life: 24 hours